If you have a citation, the best way to find the article is select the Journals tabon the library homepage (www.boisestate.edu/library) and follow these steps:
Search for the journal by title.
The results list may show more than one result if your journal title has common words. Identify the correct one. Occasionally, figuring out which title is the one you want may be difficult because there are multiple publications with the same title or the title has changed over time. A reference librarian can help.
Underneath the journal title, there will be a list of ways that we provide access to the journal.
This list may include one or more article databases, which will be listed by the name of the article database and the years of coverage. This is shown in the screen shot below.
Click on the title of the article database to access the journal.
If no article databases are listed, we don't have a subscription for the electronic access to the journal you need, but we may have it in print. Click on the Print Collection link to see what years we have in print.
If we don't own the year you need in any format, students, faculty, and staff of BSU can use the Interlibrary Loan service to have the article delivered for free. Just follow the instructions and let us know if you need help.