All recent theses and dissertations are available electronically from our ScholarWorks institutional repository.
From ScholarWorks, select the Electronic Theses and Dissertations link.
You will then be able to browse for dissertations and theses by year.
Some new and most older theses and dissertations are available in print in the library. They're cataloged by subject, so the best way to locate them is to do a search using WorldCat Discovery (the library catalog). To do this, type in a title, topic, or author into the search box on the library homepage ( and limit to thesis/dissertation on the left side of the screen under format, as shown in the screenshots below.
Many dissertations and some theses from Boise State University as well as other academic institutions can be downloaded using the Dissertations and Theses database available by clicking on Articles &Databases from the library homepage as shown below.
From the Databases page, type in dissertations into the Databases A-Z search box and then select the ProQuest Dissertations & These Global link.