We also have a database called LearningExpress Library that provides test preparation materials for a wide variety of standardized tests including the GED, TOEFL, CLEP, GRE, and LSAT. LearningExpress also contains other useful materials for learning software, job skills, and for resume and cover letter writing. To access LearningExpress Library, choose Articles & Databases from the Library website at https://www.boisestate.edu/library/. Then scroll down to the Databases A-Z list. On the Search line, enter "learningexpress", and a link to the LearningExpress Library database will appear for you to choose. You can then navigate to the specific test preparation material you need. Non-BSU students who are Idaho residents can access the LearningExpress Library in the state's LiLi database collection.
The Library also has some electronic and print test preparation materials. You can search for these from our "Books, videos and more" link using WorldCat Discovery or the Library Catalog. You could also begin with the print and electronic books listed on our Career Information subject guide.