The best way to search for ebooks is to use our catalog, WorldCat Discovery to search by title or keyword, then limit to ebook using the format limit on the left side of the results page.
For downloadable ebooks, there are two main platforms -- ProQuest Ebook Central and Overdrive.
ProQuest Ebook Central books are almost always available to simultaneous users, so if the Library has the ebook in its collection, you should be able to use it even if others are also doing so.
Overdrive books are checked out like physical books, and are limited to one simultaneous user per copy that the library has purchased. To determine if the ebook is available, go to the book record in the catalog, click the title, then the link to the online book and sign in with your My.BoiseState (formerly BroncoWeb) login. The Overdrive page will tell you if there is a copy available. These books are compatible with Kindles.
The link in the catalog record usually states whether the book is an Overdrive or EBL title, but not always.
The library also provides access to individual ebooks from other sources. Instructions and options for these ebooks will vary by title. Feel free to ask us if you'd like help with a particular book.