Most databases have built in tools to help you limit your search. In Academic Search Premier, you can use the left hand bar on the results page to hone in on the perfect articles for your topic.
The “Limit To” Bar
1.Peer Reviewed
The Peer Reviewed button will only search in Scholarly Journals for articles, so you will only retrieve peer reviewed articles. Therefore, you can trust your sources have been assessed by experts.
2. References Available
The References Available button will limit your search to articles that have citations available. It will also show you the number of times this article has been cited by others. Having the references available allows you to expand your search, by going to those sources to find more information.
3. Linked full text
The Linked Full Text button limits the search to articles that Academic Search Premier has a pdf of the full text for. If you want to make sure you have immediate access to the article this will help weed out articles you have to spend time finding or getting through interlibrary loan.
4. Publication Date
The Publication Date slider limits the date range that you are searching in. In most cases, the more current the article the better, but it’s also useful if you are looking for primary sources in a certain period of history.
Look through the rest of the sidebar to find other ways to help narrow your search.