Answered By: Shelly Doty
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2022     Views: 384

Boise State University students, staff, and faculty can request that a book be retrieved from the library shelves and held for them at the Circulation desk. This is called an On-Shelf Hold. Here's how to do it:

Search for the book you want using the search box on the Albertsons Library homepage at

on shelf hold screen shot

From the results screen, confirm that Albertsons Library owns the book, and then click on the title. 

on shelf hold screen shot

From this screen, click on the Hold/Request button.

From here, log into your library account using your my.BoiseState username and password.

on shelf hold screen shot

A new tab will open with the Patron Requests options. Choose On-Shelf Hold. 

on shelf hold screen shot

From here, you can change the date after which you no longer need the book and submit your request. 

on shelf hold screen shot

The confirmation screen will indicate that your request was successful. Don't be confused by the message stating "No holdings available." That's just indicating that the book is now checked out to you. 

on shelf hold screen shot

You can now relax and wait for an email from Albertsons Library letting you know that your book is waiting. 

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