Many graduating students want to know if they can continue to access Boise State University's Albertsons Library's subscription databases after they graduate. Unfortunately, the library's license agreements for databases allow the library to provide access only to those with a current Boise State ID. So this means that alumni will not have access to the library's databases off campus. However, if you come to the library in person when we are open, you can still access the majority of our databases.
Alumni can continue to access the library's catalog to search for books--that is the search box on the library's site. If you would like to do an interlibrary loan for an article or a book after you graduate, and you no longer have a current Boise State ID, you will have to do this request through your local public library.
In Idaho you can access a selection of databases at no charge through the Idaho Commission for Libraries' site. To use databases on the site, you will have to enter an Idaho zip code when you are prompted to do so. gives you access to databases such as Academic Search Premier, Medline, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Business Source Premier, and many more. I suggest that you choose a Topic or a User Group and then select the orange "GO!" button to bring up a list of databases.
Your local public library can provide access to additional databases. If you do not live in Idaho, you can check the availability of online resources through your state library, public library, or local college.